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What’s Next For Blackthorn?

As promised in yesterday’s post, here’s part two of your questions…

Q) Is Blackthorn itself entirely fictional or is it an amalgamation of places you have either visited or seen/read about? If so, what are those places and what was it about them that piqued your interest?

A) Blackthorn is entirely fictional. I came up with the concept over sixteen years ago after leaving home for my first teaching job to move to a big city over 300 miles away from everything I knew. I inevitably got lost walking home alone one night and ended up in a very isolated and run-down area. I’d never been anywhere like it before – numerous houses were boarded up and others had their windows and doors reinforced. The idea for Blackthorn was born during that long walk home. The concept of a dystopian world where humans were calling the shots and vampires treated like third class citizens inevitably spurned lots of thoughts for potential conflict that soon developed into a backdrop for dark and intense romances. I’d also seen a film called Escape From New York – I’m sure that concept played a part on a subconscious level.

I don’t think it’s so much that places have ‘piqued’ my interest, more that they unnerved me! I’ve no doubt my own unease with busy places and being enclosed by dense, built-up areas have played a part in the creation of Blackthorn. On the positive side, I do have a fascination with old derelict buildings so it’s not all bad!

Q) Blackthorn is a fascinating place. The possibilities seem endless. You already have three in the series, will there be other books set there, and will they be based around vamps, or will you be introducing other paranormals?

A) The possibilities are endless and that’s why I get so excited about the stories. Yes, there most certainly will be other books set there. The Blackthorn series is not a trilogy – there are three books you know of because that’s what I’ve signed with Bookouture so far. I have some very exciting things planned for future stories and other third species types will play an important role.

Bookouture and I have also discussed the option of short stories from the series as well as some possible stand-alone ones set in Blackthorn. We’re also considering the possibility of exclusive free stories, extracts or alternative scenes for my loyal blog subscribers and supporters. If I have my way, you’ll find yourself very deep inside Blackthorn before I’m finished!

Q) In Blood Shadows we hear a little bit about vampire prophecies, predicting the overthrow of the corrupt human rule. What’s next for Blackthorn?

A) The vampire prophecies are a vital subplot. The driving force of each story is the romance and each of those stories are going to have an integral role to play in what happens regarding that corrupt rule. It’s not just about human corruption though – the Higher Order (vampire royalty) are playing their role too. Expect a few twists and turns along the way, including a big clash of the alphas before too long and with some key players caught in the crossfire.

Blood Roses is coming very soon and you’ll learn much more about the prophecies in that story. It’s darker than Blood Shadows in some respects, so be warned!

And finally… the headache!!!

Q) Of all the characters you have created, who is the closest to your heart and why (you can only choose one, so no cheating!).

A) This is such a good question but SO tough. I hate to admit defeat… but it’s that ‘who is the closest to your heart’ bit. I thought about it, I came up with an answer then I changed it…again and again.

I’ve never written a story about a protagonist I don’t care deeply about – flaws and all. Actually, mainly because of the flaws! My central characters all have such individual traits – and as well as making me gasp or shake my head (and well up), they also have many traits that I love, admire, relate to or empathise with on some level. It’s like being asked to choose between loyalty and honesty in a friend.

Sigh – if I can’t cheat, I can’t play. I guess I’m off to sit on the bench for this one. I always knew that Michelle Smart was trouble…

Thanks to everyone who sent me their questions! And thanks again for such a fun and special week.




Michelle Smart

Pah! I am very disappointed – naughty step for you! xxx

Lindsay J. Pryor

Hee hee! Then don’t ask such blooming tough questions!! I hope you’re not going to make me suffer when you interview me on your blog! xxx

Fiona Chapman

Haha love it… It was the Twitter feed which got me here before I had a chance to read the post. Great question, Michelle!

Lindsay J. Pryor

Don’t encourage her, Fiona. She’ll only think of harder ones… 😉