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Kane and Caitlin Interviewed!

With Blood Shadows now having been out almost a month, the interview invites are coming in. I’ve discovered two things about myself through the interview questions I’ve received so far – anything deep or probing and I can give you an answer more or less straight away, but ask me about my favourite book or what song I listen to most and you’ll have me floundering for hours.

I’ve had three interviews so far with another three coming this week and another two booked for after Christmas. I’ve also got a blog tour around the US starting on the 28th December courtesy of Bewitching Book Tours. I always hope, as I open the questions, that there will be something a bit different asked. Something I’ve not been asked before. I’ve been very lucky with all three this week, especially as they’re so close together, that each interviewer has offered a unique set of questions and a very different style. It kept me on my toes and that hopefully means it’ll be more interesting for you if you read them.

We’re kicking off the week with Aimee Duffy. When she approached me and said she didn’t only want to interview me, but also Kane (brave girl!) and Caitlin ‘Jeremy Kyle’ style, I thought it was inspired. When I threw in an added curveball to the questions she had sent me and asked her, instead of asking about me, why she didn’t focus on my perceptions of my characters (no one had done that yet), she was onto it within minutes.

I’ve never answered questions so quickly or easily.

If you’d like to see what I and Kane and Caitlin had to say for ourselves, you can find the full interview (and a flatteringly gushing review of Blood Shadows) here.

Thanks for the interview fun, Aimee! And the terrific review. 🙂




Aimee Duffy

It was fun, and I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂

Lindsay J. Pryor

It raised many a smile, Aimee – the image of you hiding behind vampire-proof glass will remain with me for a long time. Thanks again for the invite! 🙂 xxx