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Blackthorn Trailer

When I announced on Facebook yesterday that the Blackthorn book trailer has now reached over 1,000 views on You Tube, I had quite a few people comment that they hadn’t seen it before.

So for those who are new to Blackthorn, this was the awesome trailer created by Bookouture that helped launch the series last November. The focus at the end is on Blood Shadows (book 1), but the trailer itself incorporates lots of Blackthorn elements to give readers a taste of the world they are entering. The soundtrack is ‘Superhero’ by Tim McMorris.

It’s permanently featured here on my blog in the slider above (there’s all sorts lurking around this website, so always feel free to take a wander. It’s not unlike Blackthorn itself at times. ;-)), but I thought I’d repost it again in all it’s glory for anyone who missed it the first time around.

I do hope you enjoy it – for the first time or the second. And if you do, and you have a You Tube account, please ‘like’ it.

I hope everyone is having a great week. 🙂




love it!

Lindsay J. Pryor

Thank you very muchly, Kelly. Me too. 🙂