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Blood Dark Early eBook Winners Announced!

On Friday, I opened a giveaway for one person to win an early eBook of BLOOD DARK. The response was terrific with entrants joining in here, via email and on my Facebook page – so HUGE thanks to everyone who participated. I loved reading your choices so much that I decided to give away two copies instead of one.

All entrants were given a number and, using a random number generator, the following winners were selected:


Massive congratulations!

Dibs, you’ll be receiving an email from me shortly.

April, you’ll need to contact me via Facebook.

Interestingly, although these winners were random, both opted for the red pill and both wanted to meet Jask! He’s certainly a popular one. 😉

Sorry if you’re disappointed by not winning this time, but I’ll have another giveaway after Blood Dark’s release. xxx



Yay! 😃Thanks so much Lindsay. Just downloaded it, getting comfortable now to start reading.

Lindsay J. Pryor

It’s my pleasure. Thanks so much for joining in, Dibs. I hope you enjoy more of Jask’s company. 😉