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Calling All BTE Fans!

It’s my birthday this week. I’m such a big kid when it comes to birthdays. While trying to work out how I could shamelessly squeeze my excitement into a blog, I realised it was 25 years ago this week that I officially embarked on my journey toward becoming an author.

I don’t know how long I’d persistently been telling my mum and dad that I was going to be an author when I grew up. I’d also told them that, for this to happen, a typewriter was absolutely (yes, absolutely) essential. On my 13th birthday, it arrived. I was going to spend my life creating and writing stories. It felt like the most natural thing in the world for me to be doing (and still does). Of course, back then my vision wasn’t complicated by reality. An author wrote a book, that book got published and then the author wrote more books. Ah, the simplicity.

And here it is – my now faded, discoloured, not even sure if it still works (and I’m not risking trying!), electric typewriter down from the attic:

I tapped away on that typewriter for hours. It wasn’t the quietest of machines, and I only found out years later how it used to drive my mum and dad insane with the repetitive clunking vibrating through the ceiling every night and every weekend. I subjected my poor parents to that through the next five years of my school days, through uni (I still lived at home), until I eventually packed my bags and took my trusty typewriter to my very first flat when I embarked on my teaching career.

I produced a lot of work over the years as I tried to hone my skills and discover what type of writer I was. I spent most of my teenage years writing plays and sketches and performing them in the local church hall. I wrote a children’s novel, and a series of children’s books. I tried my hand at short stories in-between working on novels – horror, sci-fi, crime and romance were all genres I sampled. Sometimes it feels like it’s taken a very long time to find my niche. But as I wrote my first paranormal romance when I was 17, I think I’ve always known. The journey between then and now is a whole other story.

I still find it scary to think 25 years have passed since I unwrapped that present. My initial thought was that 25 years on, I still haven’t made it. But by saying that, I’m wrongly intimating the same for every other author out there who hasn’t signed on the dotted line yet. It’s during moments like that, when I put myself down, that I need to revert back to a time when I didn’t need a book deal or pay cheque to convince myself I was an author. Back when the only proof I needed was what I’d written on a blank page. More than that, it was my desire to keep filling those blank pages even when I didn’t know if they’d ever be read.

And that leads me on to the real purpose of this blog…

If you’ve been stalking this blog or following me on Twitter, you’ll know I’ve recently embarked on submissions. I’ve started getting Blood Roses out there and it’s Beguiling The Enemy’s turn this week. So as part of that, I’ve got a chapter of Beguiling The Enemy available for anyone who’d like to read it (please be over 18!). All you have to do is contact me over the next few days via my email on this blog or alternatively DM me, and I’ll send you the chapter as soon as I can. It’s 100% Kane and Caitlin, so if you enjoyed my New Voices entry, you’ll hopefully enjoy this too.

I’d love to hear from you.




Yay! A reader! Won’t be long!!! 😉 xxx


It’s on its way to you now. 🙂 Xxx

Tracey Rogers

A big yes please!!!
I had a typewriter like that too. It replaced the one I had that nearly broke my fingers when I had to press the keys so hard.
Yay for your birthday week!
Hugs xx


Was that one of those ones you could get your fingers trapped in? Ugh. I used to hate those. 🙁 The chapter is on its way to you now, Tracey. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the request! Hugs xx

Tima Maria Lacoba

You’re a writer, Lindsay and don’t let not being published put you off. I’m in the same boat. Actually, I took the risk and sent my debut manuscript CreateSpace. Anyway, happy birthday and please sent me that chapter. I’d love to read it.


Thanks so much, Tima. The chapter is on its way to you now. I’ve checked out your blog as well. You’ve got a new follower! 🙂

Tima Maria Lacoba

Thanks Lindsay. As you saw, I don’t write exclusively about vampires, but the more humorous side of life as well – we all need a little chuckle occasionally.
Can’t wait to read your chapter. Actually, I’m downloading it right now.
Will give you feed back, if you like.


I love your blog, Tima. Thank you for finding me. It’s going to be great getting to know you. And thank you for the fab feedback. I’m stoked you enjoyed it. 🙂

Tracey Rogers

First words to spring to mind AMAZING, SUPERB, FANTASTIC and WOW!
This chapter of Beguiling the Enemy is all of the above and left me desperate for more.
Intrigue and conflict is rampant throughout. So wonderfully written with chemistry and sexual tension sizzling between Caitlin and the deliciously brooding vamp kane.
Kane in a bathtub – genius. Who wouldn’t want to climb in with him??
Lovers of vamps, or lovers of writing talent will be hooked by this.
You should be so proud of yourself Lindsay. Can’t wait to read it all!


Aw, thank you so, so much, Tracey. I’m chuffed to bits you enjoyed it. I will now rename that chapter ‘Kane in a Bathtub’. 🙂 Thanks for the request, and thank you even more for taking time out to let me know what you thought. Send, send, send is definitely the plan. Hugs xxx

Charlotte Philllips

Hi Linds! I sat down last night to read mine with a cuppa and it blew me away! It’s been so long since New Voices I’d forgotten how tight and gripping your writing is. And the love scene was so hot I thought the pages might burst into flames! Just brilliant!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I cannot believe it will be long before we see you in print.

Charlotte xxx


Wow – thank you, Charlotte. Yes, New Voices feels like a long time ago, doesn’t it? I’m so pleased you enjoyed the read. Massive thanks for sharing what you thought. It means a lot. xxx