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British Paranormal Romance Author Signs Three-Book Deal!

Yep, that’s me! And I have waited sooo long to be able to say that. 🙂

But let’s cut straight to the chase because I know what you’re here for – you might want to grab a coffee first! Here’s the official press release that just went ‘live’ from my publisher (and there’s information that follows about them too if you scroll through):

So now that I have finished bouncing around the house, stopped clutching my contract to within an inch of its crumpled life (my presh-ussss), and am finally managing to quell the mania for a short while, here’s all the info…

Blood Shadows? What’s Blood Shadows?

Blood Shadows is the re-titled Beguiling the Enemy. So, yes, BTE is going to be the first book released in the series. Beguiling the Enemy was a working title I came up with a few days before subbing to New Voices 2011. The problem was it didn’t tie in with the series and certainly wasn’t as strong as Blood Roses as far as titles go, hence the change. ‘Shadows’ is, of course, because of Caitlin’s shadow-reading ability. Nothing else has changed – it’s exactly the same story.

And as you’ve seen, it’ll be yours as from November the 27th – this year. I may have kept you waiting with the announcement, but at least I won’t be torturing you with the release date!

And Blood Roses?

As you would have seen in the press release, Blood Roses will be yours in Spring 2013, so not too long to wait for that either!

What about the third book?

Autumn 2013! I’ll save the teasers about that for another time but I am bursting with excitement over how it’s working out. Darker, sexier, even more stings in the tail… what you’d come to expect really.

So why Bookouture?

I already knew who Oliver Rhodes was when the request came in for me to sub Blood Shadows and Blood Roses to Bookouture. I knew of his professional reputation in the industry (reinforced by his recent recognition as one of publishing’s ‘Rising Stars’ by The Bookseller). I knew of his impressive background, not least his fantastic work on MIRA and MIRA Ink. I knew New Voices had been his brainchild. So when he contacted me, I was a little overwhelmed to say the least.

What attracted me to this publisher was the principle behind Bookouture. Bookouture are author-centric and totally bespoke. Everything is individual. No fitting in boxes, no restrictive word count, no fitting around everyone else’s timelines. Quality is paramount – from them and the author. Their focus is to build author careers – to work long term with authors who can deliver what readers want. As well as the opportunity to work with some of the very best professionals in the industry, what Bookouture was offering was for me to write the books I wanted to write and they’d be the forward-thinking, talented and creative team that would get them out there. And the clincher for me, the most important thing to me, is that they really love my stories and they believe in me enough to do all of the above. Basically, it was an easy decision.

I feel exceptionally privileged to have been spotted and signed by Bookouture and soon you’ll see why.

If you want to find out more about why Bookouture chose me, please have a look at their website by clicking on the link.

So what now?

It’s been unbelievably busy up to this point but it’s far from over yet! Trust me, the best is yet to come!

There’s going to be an awful lot happening over the next month leading up to the book launch. My website is going to have a MAJOR make-over (it’ll be down for a few days soon) and in due course you’ll be able to see the Blackthorn branding and cover design which have been created by one of THE best designers in the industry. There will also be a book trailer and the first three chapters of Blood Shadows available for you to read as well as so much more…

But before this site closes, I’ll be back in a couple of days to let you know exactly what I think of the Blackthorn branding and cover design once I’ve had a sneak peak! I’m beyond excited.

I’ve already got a few interviews lined up leading up to Christmas so I’m really excited about those too and would love you come and check them out. If you’re reading this and haven’t got a clue who I am but would like to know more, I have a recent interview over on my group blog The Hot Pink Typewriter.

But that’s it for now. Have I missed anything? I’m sure you’ll let me know if I have! Needless to say normal blog duty will be fully resumed once everything is updated and sorted. I’ll have so much to talk about and I’ll be giving away lots more detail, particularly more of my personal perspectives, about what’s been going on in the background as well as what’s to come.

But before I go, for fear of sounding like I’m doing a speech, I do want to thank a few people who have been glued to my side on my journey since New Voices closed and have tirelessly supported this blog:

The amazing Amity Grays, who has been my absolute rock. You may be on the other side of the water and we may never have met, but you’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know. CC Mackenzie, an amazing indie-published author (top 5 in ten countries now and rising!), who dragged me into social media and gave me a hard virtual slap every time my confidence wavered (I have a lot of bruises).

My fabulous cheering squad who are there whenever I need them: Tracey ‘hood-girl’ Rogers, Michelle ‘I’m published by M&B AND Entangled’ Smart, Aimee ‘debut author with too many shoes’ Duffy, Incy ‘says it exactly as it is to perfection’ Black, Sue ‘requested author and, wow, we live in neighbouring villages’ Childs, Tima ‘wonderfully Bloodgifted’ Lacoba, and Sri ‘brand new author for Harlequin Presents’ Pammi. And not forgetting my fabulous fellow Top 4 New Voices ladies who I fought, scrabbled and clawed through the competition with: Natalie Charles, Katie Graham and Charlotte Phillips, who have all been immensely lovely and amazingly supportive since the competition closed.

And thank you to everyone who has tweeted, retweeted, shared, emailed and given shout-outs in the background.

I’d also like to give very special thanks to Michele Hauf who, as we speak, is reading and reviewing Blood Shadows. Please send good vibes her way!

And not least my awesome new publisher Bookouture who deserve a blooming huge cheer for putting us all out of our misery! And wow, am I and Blackthorn in safe hands…




Oh Linds, I’m so happy for you! You deserve it. Make sure you frame your “precious” and place it in a prominent position in the house as the first contract is always the most special. And, how kind of you to mention me. I didn’t really do anything except encourage a fellow vampire lover! Now, I can’t wait for Blood Shadows (fabulous name) to come out.
You go, girl! I’m sending big hugs and blowing kisses your way.


Thank you so much, Tima! Lol – the news isn’t officially ‘out there’ until 2pm but, of course, all my fab email followers would have got this in advance! I think I will frame my ‘precious’. I can’t believe I’ve signed a book contract! Me! And mentioning you is a pleasure. Thank you for all your support – on this blog and HPT. I really appreciate your time and effort. I’m so glad you like the title ‘Blood Shadows’. I’ve finally stopped referring to it as BTE! All hugs and kisses gratefully accepted and coming back your way! 🙂

Tima Maria Lacoba

Thanks, Linds, but this is your time. Enjoy!

Tracey Rogers

Oh my I have tears! I’m so so thrilled for you Linds *hugging you tightly*.
I thought your original title was fab but Blood Shadows is amazing and links them so well. And as for why Bookouture chose you? It’s because you are a fantastic and gifted writer.
I get my Kane in November WOOHOO!!! Can’t wait to see the cover and read the series *squeals*
Too early for the Pepsi celebration? No? Will join you then.
Savour every moment Linds you so deserve it *leaks tears again*.
Hugs from stalker Hood Girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Can’t…breathe…Tracey…but…doesn’t…matter! 😉 Tight hug very gratefully received! Yay! I’m so chuffed that you like the Blood Shadows title! It certainly does link the books together better, doesn’t it? Aw, and thank you so much – I really am ridiculously lucky to be working with bookouture. They are amazing and one to watch out for. Yes, and Kane is all yours in November! You can knock back that Pepsi now!! I promise you, I am savouring every moment. This means so much to me. Thank you so much fab stalker Hood Girl and huge hugs back at you. xxxxx

Aimee Duffy

Quickie Squeeee the now ’cause I’m at work, but will be back soon to squee some more! Well done doll, and only 28 days to wait! 😀 xxxxxxx


Hey, Aimee!! What are you doing sneaking on when you should be working? 😉 Looking forwards to you coming and squeeing later when you won’t get into trouble, you rebel! 28 days? Ooo – that’s not long, is it? 🙂 xxxxx

Aimee Duffy

I literally couldn’t wait to find out 😉 And, LiPry, you can never ever ever have too many shoes *shakes head*

So excited for its release! But you were a bloody tease these last few months 😉

I have to say it again… squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!



Lol! I stand corrected then. AiDu! 😉 *hangs head in shame at shoe jibe*

I know I was a tease but for very good reason, don’t you think? Trust me, it wasn’t easy keeping my mouth shut when I was so excited! Keep squeeeeeeeing – wait until you see the rest of what’s in store!! (Yep, I’m teasing again). xxxx


muchos hugs and kisses Linds. Thrill, thrilled, thrilled for you.
Just know tis is gonna be MEGA
Shehanne xxx


Aw, and muchos hugs and kisses coming your way too, Shehanne. Thanks so, so much! xxx

Rae Rivers

A HUGE congrats on your three book deal, Lindsay! So happy for you that you’ve finally seen this dream come true. My Kindle’s ready and waiting for the download! 🙂 Big hugs and high fives, Rae.


Hey, Rae! Thank you fellow TVD fan! If you love Damon, Kane is definitely going to appeal… 😉 It’s been fab getting to know you lately. Thanks so much for your support and big hugs and high fives coming back at you! 🙂


Oh, Lindsay,

I’m so so happy for you…I’ve buried under so many things on the home front and almost missed this…HUGE CONGRATS on the deal and I LOVE the sound of bookouture- if the way they went after you and recognized your talent is anything to go by, they’re going places….I can’t wait to buy your book and talk all about it..:-)

And it was totally worth the wait to hear your news….;-)


Hello, Sri! Aw, thank you. Don’t worried that you nearly missed it – the announcement isn’t actually ‘out’ officially yet, believe it or not! Word seems to be spreading though. I’m glad you like the sound of bookouture – they really are fantastic. I wouldn’t have signed over my beloved books otherwise! Hugs 🙂

Jen Drogell

Biggest, biggest congrats Lindsay! I remember Beguiling the Enemy from New Voices and loved it. Woo hoo!


Hi, Jennifer! Thank you so much! I’m really flattered you loved BTE. I’m just about getting used to calling it Blood Shadows now. Thanks so much for coming on to read and comment – I appreciate it. 🙂


I am sooooo excited for you! And for me because I will be getting my paws on BTE alias Blood Shadows! Well done, I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more xxx


Thanks, Charlotte! Yes, not long now until Blood Shadows is yours! And thank you – that’s a really kind thing for you to say. Thanks for being there. xxx

Natalie Charles

Oh my gosh!!! Linds, what an amazing opportunity!! I’m so absolutely thrilled for you, and good for Bookouture for knowing talent when they see it!! Yay! I cannot WAIT to read Blood Shadows!


Hi, Natalie! I know! How exciting is this? It is an amazing opportunity. Bookouture are an awesome publisher and they really do work with some of the best in the industry, so I know my books are in good hands. It’s great to ‘hear’ your excitement about Blood Shadows. Not long now! 🙂 x

CC MacKenzie


I’m going to re-blog this on my blog today! Wow! Remember me when you’re famous!!!!!

Aww, wow, this is sooooo deserved. I don’t think I know another author who has worked so, so hard for this. And Oliver, you ARE the man! I wish Lindsay, Blood Shadows and Bookouture all the very best and much success for the future.

Gosh, I’m crying. My baby is going out into the world 🙂


And don’t forget I’m interviewing you. Just wait!


You’re crying – now I’m crying!! Aw, thank you so, so much, Christine. And thank you for all your kind wishes – I’ll ask Oliver to read your message. Yep, me and Blackthorn are heading out there. It’s actually happening! Don’t worry – I haven’t forgotten the interview! I’m really looking forwards to it. You know how awesome I think your blog is. Thanks so much for reblogging! Big hugs. HUGE hugs. 🙂

Sue Child

Lindsay!!!! Couldn’t be happier or more excited for you. Loved Blood Roses in NV 2010 and BtE in NV2011. Can’t wait to finally get my hands on them 🙂 We have to do coffee to celebrate 😀 X


Hey, Sue!! Thank you!!! Oh, a coffee is a must! Do you think we’ll manage it before Christmas this year? It’ll be fab to meet you at last, neighbour! 🙂 XX

Michelle Smart

Linds, you’ve made me cry. Am so happy for you – I have a sneaky feeling all your dreams are going to come true xxx


Oh no! Now I’m welling up again! Thanks, ChelleBelle. My dreams already are. Just having a publisher believe in me enough to take me on means so much to me. Hugs xxx


Congratulations. I am so happy for you and, selfishly, happy for me because soon I will get to read Blood Shadows and Blood Roses. And they’ll be well worth the wait, I have no doubt. And a THIRD! Am I really to be so lucky? I am so thrilled.

And thank you, my dear friend, for the shout out. Believe me, it is easy to support and cheer for something one so sincerely believes in. I definitely believe in you and the Blackthorn series. Your voice is nothing less than miraculous. From the moment I was blessed with my first peek, I knew you were something rare and amazing. You mix words and vision beautifully, creating worlds which are simply unforgettable.

Lindsay Pryor is honestly one of the most talented and remarkable authors I have ever read.

Amity Grays

Not sure why this cut off my name, though I’m sure it was something I did.


Aw, Amity – thank you. The shout out was a pleasure. Your enthusiasm for Blackthorn is just immense and means the world to me as you know. Thank you for all your faith and confidence in the stories and reassuring me (endlessly) that they would find the right home. I have no doubt they absolutely have. I can’t wait to hear what you think of the final result. X

Stacey Joy Netzel

Hopping over from CC’s blog…congratulations! Love the titles and can’t wait to see the branding. 🙂


Thank you so much, Stacey! Wow, thank you for coming to visit and comment. The branding is going to be something very special. I can’t wait to reveal. 🙂

Jennifer Faye

Oh, wow!!! Sneak off into my revision cave and miss the huge news. Am sooooo excited for you!!!! *Pops bubbly and passed it around* Love the new title and can’t wait to see the cover. 🙂


Hi Jennifer! Thank you!! 🙂 I hope all is good and productive in the revision cave? I’m chuffed you like the new title. I’m looking forwards to the cover reveal too – very much so!!!


Congrats Lindsay! I was stalking your site all yesterday–and I realized I forgot the most important thing: giving you my best wishes on this success and many more! =D


When are we going to see a cover? And when do pre-orders start? (I already marked my calendar and set my phone to alert me on Nov 27th! Less than a month to go. -excited-


Thank you hugely, Hana. 🙂 Ah, stalking is good! I really appreciate you taking time out to pass on your good wishes too. It’s lovely ‘meeting’ you – you sound as excited as me! Soooo – not long until you see the cover I hope. It’ll be worth it, I promise! I love the fact you’ve set your phone – that’s just fab. X

Victoria James (@VicJames101)

OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been off Twitter and online-and look at what I missed!! I am SO SO thrilled for you, Lindsay!!! Congratulations, this is just the best news!!!! Hope you’re still celebrating!!! Fantastic!!!


OMG indeed, Victoria!! Thanks so much! It’s so lovely to have you stop by. I’m chuffed to bits. I think I’ll be celebrating right up until the book release and then collapse somewhere quietly. Or maybe not… 😉

C. Lee McKenzie

I’ll add my congratulations! Hope you celebrate royally! We McKenzies and MacKenzies must stick together–clannish as we are. 🙂


Thanks C. Lee! I’m still celebrating. Technically I’m not a MacKenzie though – I’ve been adopted ‘writerly-speaking’ as Christine’s baby. But very happy with the association! 😉 Thanks for stopping by.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so excited for you, Lindsay! I’ve been dying to read more of your work. I can’t wait!


Thanks so much, Lacey! I’m trying to be composed but what’s the fun in that? I’ve wanted to get these books into the hands of readers for soooo long, so it’s brilliant to know you’re waiting. Thanks for sharing my excitement. 🙂