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I’ve buckled under pressure! I never thought I’d see the day when I was nagged into writing a blog post.

Cajoled, stalked, harassed and threatened were a few strategies used, but I finally broke when I was given Puss-in-Boots eyes mid Twitter stream. Yep, this is today’s romance writing community – relentless. And yes, a small fluffy creature works every time. (Hope that doesn’t ruin my vampire-related image?)

There are two reasons I haven’t updated you. The main reason is I haven’t signed yet. I thought slipping in an update in-between would only create groans when you opened the post to find it void of the nitty-gritty.

The second is part is because of SYTYCW. I didn’t want to come across as someone waving from the back of the theatre when everyone else is trying to watch the performance, if you know what I mean. But feeling the pain of those who have entered (yep, having been through it twice with New Voices, I know), being told this might temporarily distract from the angst and tension, I couldn’t refuse.

So here are a few things I can let slip:

First and foremost – no, it’s not Entangled! I’ve been asked that in DMs and emails more than anything else. But they are an epublisher who also does print on demand.

I didn’t sub to this publisher – I was extremely fortunate that they approached me. So getting yourself out there (and making yourself contactable) does get you noticed. Thanks New Voices for giving me the shove!

Yes, they’re fantastic, and yes, I’m chuffed to bits. Once the shock subsided and I had time to read through and discuss the proposal, let alone realise this was actually happening, I had a lot of thinking to do. This was my first offer and, as my work was still sat with others publishers, a huge decision. But the fact they loved the stories, wanted to work with me as an author to build the series and presented me with a clear vision that shared mine, I knew without doubt this was the publisher for me.

The first book due to be published has been revised and has now gone in for line editing. There wasn’t a huge amount to do as it was mainly pulling in the strands of overarching plot lines. Apparently it was all made easier by me presenting a clean manuscript to start with. (I’ve learned that doesn’t mean a ms void of coffee stains.) I’m now working on revisions for book 2.

An amazing cover designer is well underway with the project and I should get to see some samples of work-in-progress next week, so I’m super-excited about that.

And the question I’ve been asked more than any other: Are you going to have to wait long to read the first book? With a big smile, I can say no. Hopefully.

So as I go and hide from any more questions before I drop myself in it, in all sincerity thank you so much for the continued stalking.

I also want to wish my nearest and dearest writing friends all the best with their SYTYCW entries. I think it’s a terrible shame we can’t leave comments like we did with New Voices. I’ve wanted to give feedback so many times. I believe that was one of the best things about NV. I personally benefitted hugely from it – both in terms of gaining reader responses but also getting to know all the writing friends I am now connected with. If it wasn’t for those friends I wouldn’t be on Twitter and certainly wouldn’t be blogging this now.

Enjoy the competition and get those votes in! I know only too well how much every single one means.

Good luck!

And trust me, you don’t have to win…



Charlotte Phillips

This time last year I had no nails left! Very pleased to read the progress report and learn that I won’t have to wait long to read. Really looking forward to your big reveal ;0) xxx


I know! I can’t believe it’s been almost a year. A lot has happened for us both… Reveal shouldn’t be too much longer now. Thanks for sticking with me, Charlotte. It means a lot. xxx

CC MacKenzie


Love this post. What the hell are you like? I want to wish everyone who’s entered SYTYCW/New Voices competition all the very best. I quite liked the comments over the past few years too, most of them were very constructive and helpful.

And I’m really looking forward to your news, when it comes(!) Patience grasshopper! I feel a happy dance coming on!


Well, what’s a girl to do? Hounded I was, Christine – hounded I tell you. Ah, but it’s all good! I’ve got some amazing supporters so I’m anything but complaining. It’s good to know you were another comments fan. You take the rough with the smooth, but I agree that overall readers’ aims were to constructive and helpful which is what it’s all about. News is coming, grasshopper. 😉 (Trying to remember the show that was from…)

Tracey Rogers

All these hounders – how terrible! Lol 😉
Fantastic to hear that we won’t have too long to wait for your first book Yay! And how exciting that you get to see your cover design soon *squeals*.
I think I would have imploded if I couldn’t have told you how fab your BTE entry was and it has been a pleasure getting to know you, so I share your thoughts over SYTYCW and wish everyone the best of luck.


Yes, you can wink, Tracey. LOL indeed! You wait until it’s your turn… Aw, it’s been a pleasure getting to know you too. And all from one hood scene. I’m glad I left it in now. 😉 (No, still haven’t seen Salem’s Lot). Thanks for your fabulous support as always. X

Aimee Duffy

Pffft, I was all excited. This is even more of a tease ;). C’mon LiPry, let us out of our miseries! 😀 Glad I don’t have to wait long for Blood Roses though, re-reading the first chapter will just have to get me through. Sigh. xxx


Aw, it’s great to know it got you that excited, AiDu! Next time will be the proper announcement, I promise – which hopefully will be all good. Ahhhh, but who said Blood Roses is coming first? 😉 xxx

Michelle Smart

Stop being such a tease Ms Pryor! xxx


Oooo, I’m a Ms now! I PROMISE I’m not trying to tease. You’ve got to believe me! xxx

Jennifer Faye

Oh my goodness, I’m even worse off now than I was before. LOL. You must hurry. Must know all of the juicy details. And a sneek peak at the cover. Ugh! The waiting. 🙂


Oh no! LOL! It was supposed to ease the tension and distract not make it worse! Especially this week of all weeks for you! 😉 Not much longer now, I hope. Thanks for the support and for coping. 😉

Tina Vaughn

*bounces* I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to hear the official news. : )


Thanks so much, Tina. I’ll let you know when there’s more to reveal. 🙂


You tease!!! 😉 Can’t wait to hear your good news and celebrate, Lindsay!!! 🙂


I know, I know, but they made me do it, Sri! I was nagged into submission! But seriously, thanks so much for your ongoing support. Hopefully next time will be THE time. 🙂

Lacey Devlin

Where’d my comment go? 🙁 Gremlins ate it. That’s what happens when you feed them after midnight…

I’m so excited that we won’t have to wait long to read your first book. I LOVED your comp entry and I’m dying to get my hands on it. I can’t wait for the big announcement and your cover reveal!

Congratulations, Lindsay!


Sheesh, those Gremlins, eh?
Thank you so very much, Lacey. The competition seems like such a long time ago. It’s fab to know your patience and enthusiasm has held out. That means a lot to me. Not long now, I hope. 🙂 x