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More Blackthorn Excitement

Thank you to everyone who has shared their support since my announcement on Tuesday. There have been over a thousand views of the press release so far and even features in the Bookseller, Book Brunch and Book2Book. Some fantastic interview spots are also being arranged that I’m really looking forwards to.

But as if I haven’t had enough excitement the last couple of days, my publisher has also sent me the final version of my Blood Shadows book cover! And well, wow. Just wow. That’s been the extent of my descriptive vocabulary since seeing it: Wow. I’ve printed it out on A4 card and it’s currently sat next to me on my desk. I’ve spent all day gazing (and swooning) at it at intervals, reassuring myself it’s real.

Unfortunately I can’t share it with you yet. The reveal is going to happen once my new website is up and running. But read on because I’ll direct you towards some hints shortly!

I mentioned in the last blog post how excited I was to be signed by Bookouture and my book cover is the perfect example of why. Every part of it is bespoke and has been designed specifically with my books and brand in mind.

I had one of those clichéd jaw-dropping moments when I was told who was taking on the Blackthorn project. This designer has worked on covers for bestselling international authors and is very selective. I was beyond fortunate that Blackthorn sparked their imagination enough for them to say yes.

I was even more overwhelmed to find out that ‘project’ meant just that – it wasn’t only about the book cover, there was to be a Blackthorn crest, typography, backdrops, adverts… all things you’ll see on my website in due course. And everything you are going to see will be completely unique. Even the ‘models’ were handpicked and photographed specifically for this book.

It wasn’t just that the designer was fantastic, I was also thrilled to be invited to be a part of it by sharing my vision. I signed up to Pinterest and had fun trying to find images to represent Blackthorn as well as my characters. Finding Blackthorn images was fairly straightforward, finding my characters – not so easy. The challenge with the latter was that I don’t get character inspiration from people I see. And it wasn’t just about finding physical likenesses, I felt it just as important to find the appropriate characteristics such as the look in someone’s eye, their stance or their mood.

So although I can’t show you my cover yet (sorry), if it helps, you can always check out where I’ve been hiding on Pinterest to get some indication of my vision of Blackthorn as well as Blood Shadows’ Kane and Caitlin (Caleb and Leila from Blood Roses are also there – TVD Damon fans be warned!). I’ve also got a personal likes page so feel free to take a look at that too. This is just the start – there will certainly be a lot more coming onto Pinterest soon!

I am absolutely ecstatic about the end result. Aside from the quality and creativity, it’s so perfectly ‘paranormal romance’ with that dark, sophisticated edge I wanted to represent my stories. I could not have envisaged anything better. I welled up when I saw it all displayed out in front of me because I guess part of me still can’t quite believe this is actually happening. The most amazing thing of all is that, as I look at my cover now, I don’t feel like strangers are staring back at me. That’s my Kane and Caitlin there, so close to what I had in my head that it’s spooky.

I can’t wait for you to meet them.



Tracey Rogers

Wow wish I was your rabbit so I could have a peek at that A4 card! You still have to tease us!!! Lol. it all sounds amazing. A Blackthorn crest too! Can’t wait until your new website is up and running. Enjoy your swooning, it certainly is real and I’m so happy for you xxx


I didn’t dare show it to Tilly in case she ate it! Oh, I know – the teasing just continues. What am I going to do once Blood Shadows is out there? Guess I’ll have to start teasing about Blood Roses. It is all amazing, Tracey. A crest! I know! It’s stunning. I’m really excited about the website too. I’ve had hints of what’s in store so can’t wait to see it up and running. Hugs xxx

Michelle Smart

Gosh, it sounds so fantastic! I can’t wait to see the cover. By the way, will you sign my print copy when I buy it? Pretty please? xxx


It is, Michelle. Really. The more I look at it, the more I love it. It’s just so… right. And yes, of course I will! As long as you’ll sign me a copy of yours?? Trade-off? xxx

Fiona Chapman

Haha Lindsay what a tease! Your excitement is infectious… bring on the release date! 🙂 x


Hi Fiona. This teasing has just got too much fun now. Totally unintentional but it just keeps happening! It’s because I’m too over-excited not to give hints. I’m glad my excitement is infectious. At some point I WILL stop bouncing around the house – though justifying a constant supply of chocolate and pepsi might have something to do with that… 25 days to go! 🙂 x

Amity Grays

It’s kind of like having a big, round, colorful lolly pop held out in front of you. You can’t quite reach it, but you know it’s going to be soooooooo good. CAN’T WAIT.


Hey Amity! Love the analogy. 🙂 The lolly pop is closing in… X

Tima Maria Lacoba

Ooh, can’t wait to see your website and the cover. Sounds like you’ve got yourself an excellent publisher, who’s doing so much for you. That’s fantastic, Linds. I’m excited for you.


I’m excited too, Tima! Does it show? Apparently it does. 😉 Bookouture are an excellent publisher. I’d only hand over my Blackthorn to the best. I’m very lucky they’re as enthusiastic as me – there’s something special in that.

Jane Hunt (@Jolliffe03)

That all sounds really exciting. When is the first book scheduled for publication? Best Wishes Jane.


27th November, Jane – so it’s really not very long! 25 days to be exact, not that I’m counting or anything… 😉


Ooh… More excitement, I’m coming to your house to break in and get the sneaky preview….!


I’m tempted to put it on a billboard and stick it outside my house, so at least you’ll find me easily, Shehanne! 🙂